C Programs Of Loop Control Structure

30 September 20110 comments

  1. A C program to display the consecutive digits from 0 to n.
  2. A C program to compute ab.
  3. A C program to find the factorial of a number.
  4. A program to find the sum of digits of a positive integer number.
  5. A program to find the reverse of an integer.
  6. A program to find the 10 multiples of an integer n.
  7. A program to calculate the average of n numbers.
  8. A program to find and print the n terms of Fibonacci series.
  9. A program to calculate the factorial of a given number using the do-while loop.
  10. A program to calculate the sum of first n numbers using the do-while loop.
  11. A program to demonstrate the break statement.
  12. A program to compute the sum of positive integers out of n given numbers.
  13. A program to demonstrate the goto statement.
  14. A program to print multiplication table in tabular form.
  15. A program to calculate average for several different lists of numbers.
  16. A program to add the n terms of the series. ( 1/1! + 2/2! + 3/3!+...... n/n! ).
  17. A program to enter a number and print the same till you enter y.
  18. A program to generate the Latin square.
  19. A program to print the ASCII values and their equivalent characters.
  20. A program to print whether the entered number is palindrome or not.
  21. A program to find whether the number is Armstrong or not.
  22. A program to find HCF.
  23. A program to find and print the sum of an infinite series: ( 5 + 10 + 15 + ... + n ) 
  24. A program to calculate the sum of an infinite series: ( x - x3/3!+x5/5!-x7/7!+...).
  25. A program to find the biggest among n numbers.
  26. A program to find that the entered number is even or odd.
  27. A program to print all combination of 1, 2 and 3.
  28. A program to print the Armstrong numbers between 1 ans 500.

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