All C Programs Based On The Control Structre Of C Language

30 September 20110 comments

  1. A program to check whether the entered number is negative of not.
  2. A program to calculate tax @ 20% if the salary of the person is greater than 10000.
  3. A program to compare two numbers and print the bigger one.
  4. A program to find whether entered number is even or odd.
  5. A program to print the biggest of three given numbers.
  6. A program to print the biggest of three numbers using logical operators.
  7. A program to determine whether the entered year is leap or not.
  8. A program to determine whether the entered year is leap or not using logical operator.
  9. A program to print the days of week using if else if ladder.
  10. A program to print the days of week using switch case default.
  11. A program to determine in which quadrant an angle lies.
  12. A program to find the roots of the quadratic equation.
  13. A program to determine whether the entered year is leap or not using conditional operator.
  14. A program to check if the entered number is uppercase alphabet.
  15. A program to find the real roots of a quadratic equation.
  16. A program to print whether entered character is lowercase alphabet or not.
  17. A program to calculate the percentage of marks of a student in five different subjects.Also print whether he got first division or not.
  18. A program to find whether the character entered is capital letter, a small case letter, a digit or a special symbol.
  19. A menu driven program that calculates the (1) Biggest of two numbers (2) Positive or negative (3) Factorial of a number (4) Exit.
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