General Programming Examples In C

30 September 20112comments

Here is Collection of all General Programs in C language based on the input output operators.

  1. A C program to accept a character from keyboard and determine if it is vowel or not.
  2. A C program to convert temperature given in Fahrenheit degree into centigrade degree.
  3. A C program to exchange value of two variables.
  4. A C program to exchange the value of two variables without using third variable.
  5. A C program to find the compound interest where principle amount , rate of interest and time entered from keyboard.
  6. A C program to calculate the sum of first and last digit of a number.
  7. A program to calculate the perimeter of a rectangle and area and circumference of  of the circle.
  8. A program to print the table of 5.
  9. A program to print the table of 2 , 3 and 4.
  10. A program to convert the lowercase letters into uppercase letters.
  11. A program to find the greater between two numbers using conditional operator.
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